Create A Milk Paint What Is The Best Way To Create Climbable Rock On Stage?

What is the best way to create climbable rock on stage? - create a milk paint

It is a dance party for children 10 to 18, and we have to look like a scene from the open rocky beach. Girls should be able to create through the rocks, are (sirens) sun, then down to the rock scene. Someone spoke of a company with a spray foam insulation in the fields of milk in plastic, then chewed over and over Papri painting?


Aldaras Wolf said...

After several years as a carpenter and scenic qualities have suggestions.

While some here too.

Let us first consider the "occupation" and who and how we build and staging. You need to build each piece as if they were groups, some with a rake "T" or non-coated wire. Add wheels with locks for easy entry and exit. The foam panels in the works for contours, shape and shave. Cover the whole with muslin or other durable material, then with the FLEX jacket or an image of good quality paint over.

This drama, which should not be complete, realistic and notice a hearing, at an average distance of 30 feet, no one will. In fact, when they realize vividly the landscape, then they do not pay attention to the action.

Steven Wolf

ray m said...

Wood, wire, cement.

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